

Statistics for Lesley Pascoe

Stover Golf ClubWHS Handicap Calculator

Par 3 Avg - 3.51
Par 4 Avg - 4.93
Par 5 Avg - 5.65

Scoring Analysis for Lesley Pascoe

Gross Scoring Trend

Stableford Trend

Scoring Distribution

Handicap Trend

Handicap Index History

You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford

Competition Date Course Gross Nett Sford
Women - Seniors Championship (18 holes) (Honiton) H Thursday 27th June 2024 Honiton 88 78  
Women - Seniors Championship (18 holes) (Churston) H Friday 23rd June 2023 Churston 88 80  
Women - Devon Stableford Open (Division 1) (Dainton Park) H Tuesday 6th June 2023 Dainton Park 83 75 32
Women - DevonGolf Medal Finals (Division 1) (Honiton) H Thursday 13th April 2023 Honiton 85 77  
Women - Senior Championship (18 holes) (Thurlestone) H Thursday 30th June 2022 Thurlestone 86 78  
Women - DevonGolf Gold Medal (Saunton West) - 36 holes H Saturday 14th May 2022 Saunton- West 87 78  
Women - DevonGolf Gold Medal (Saunton West) - 36 holes H Saturday 14th May 2022 Saunton- West 87 78  
Ladies - Seniors Championships (Okehampton) H Tuesday 15th June 2021 Okehampton 88 81  
Ladies - Ladies Open Division 1 (Teignmouth) H Thursday 3rd June 2021 Teignmouth 85 77  
Ladies - Medal Finals Division 1 (Staddon Heights) H Wednesday 14th April 2021 Staddon Heights 90 83  
Ladies - Gold Medal Championship (18 holes only) (Tiverton) H Sunday 27th September 2020 Tiverton 84 77  
Ladies - Seniors Championships (Tavistock) H Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Tavistock 84 77  
Adult - Order of Merit Finals Day (Bovey Castle) H Tuesday 1st October 2019 Bovey Castle 78 + 1 hole 30
Ladies - Silver Meeting (Saunton East) H Wednesday 26th June 2019 Saunton East 88 81  
Ladies - Seniors Championships (Honiton) H Thursday 20th June 2019 Honiton 90 83  
Ladies - Gold Medal 36 hole H Saturday 18th May 2019 Exeter 82 76  
Ladies - Gold Medal 36 hole H Saturday 18th May 2019 Exeter 82 76  
Ladies Club Champions Final (Woodbury Park) Sunday 23rd September 2018 Woodbury Park 88 82  
Ladies - Silver Meeting (Yelverton) H Monday 16th July 2018 Yelverton 86 80  
All - County Card Stableford H Monday 25th June 2018 Tavistock 69 + 3 holes 29
Ladies - Seniors Championships H Thursday 21st June 2018 Stover 87 80  
County Card Stableford (Stover) H Thursday 6th July 2017 Stover 64 + 3 holes 30

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