

Statistics for Mark Jarrett

Stover Golf ClubWHS Handicap Calculator

Par 3 Avg - 3.54
Par 4 Avg - 4.62
Par 5 Avg - 5.35

Scoring Analysis for Mark Jarrett

Gross Scoring Trend

Stableford Trend

Scoring Distribution

Handicap Trend

Handicap Index History

You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford

Competition Date Course Gross Nett Sford
Men - Gold Medal Championship (18 holes only) (Tiverton) H Sunday 27th September 2020 Tiverton 72 + 4 holes  
SW of England Mid-Am 36 holes H Thursday 1st August 2019 Dainton Park 86 81  
SW of England Mid-Am 36 holes H Thursday 1st August 2019 Dainton Park 80 75  
SW of England Mid-Am 36 holes H Thursday 2nd August 2018 Teignmouth 88 83  
SW of England Mid-Am 36 holes H Thursday 2nd August 2018 Teignmouth 82 77  
SW of England Mid-Am H Thursday 28th July 2016 Exeter 82 78  
SW of England Mid-Am H Thursday 28th July 2016 Exeter 80 76  
Devon & Goldsmith Salvers H Sunday 14th July 2013 Stover 76 73  
Devon & Goldsmith Salvers H Sunday 14th July 2013 Stover 75 72  
Amateur Championship 2013 H Sunday 19th May 2013 Yelverton 77 74  
Amateur Championship 2013 H Sunday 19th May 2013 Yelverton 78 75  
Amateur Championship 2013 H Saturday 18th May 2013 Yelverton 75 72  
Amateur Championship 2013 H Saturday 18th May 2013 Yelverton 76 73  
Gold Medal H Friday 18th May 2012 Teignmouth 81 77  
Gold Medal H Friday 18th May 2012 Teignmouth 72 68  

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