


A full report to follow after the girls play their final round tomorrow against Somerset.

Today, though, was Terrific Tuesday. The morning's round saw fabulous golf from both Dorset and Devon girls and the draw 2½ -2½ was a fair result of closely fought games. The match could not have been played in a better spirit and both sides were happy with the result.

The afternoon's match was against Cornwall, winners in 2022 and 2023. Devon knew they had to put their best foot forward and they did. The Foursomes were off to a flying start and at the turn both matches were 4-up. Both matches were won by Devon. In the Singles Susie Carr was 1 down at the turn, Georgia Denega 2 down and we knew it could go either way. Bringing up the rear was Edith Morris and Edith was 5 up at the turn. With some brilliant golf from both sides, Devon came through to win 5-0. Again, it was a fantastic set of games and Cornwall were terrific sports - photo-bombing our team and supporters photo and everyone finishing with laughs and smiles.

Devon finish the day in 2nd place. 1st place is out of reach but a win or a draw tomorrow against Somerset will keep us there.

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