


A happy group after Emily's stunning game winning shot!

Today's matches for Devon were against Dorset and Cornwall. Amanda Burchell and Chloe Hall had top opponents and were 3 down at the turn and lost 6-5. Not the start Devon wanted but Susie Carr & Emily Morey, a new Devon pairing, played a tough game being 2 down at the turn. Play started at the 10th so finished on the 9th. The match was never in Devon's control as Dorset's Harriet and Alice kept up the pressure and it all came down to the 9th, the final hole, all square. A good drive from Devon and a bit to the right from Dorset. Emily eyed the pin from 125 yards out and nailed it with Dorset just falling short heartbreakingly short of the very raised green. Emily's spectacular shot sealed the game giving Devon ½ point in the Foursomes. In the singles Lauren was first out against Louise Burke and was 1-up at the turn and ramped up the pressure to win 4-3. Gudrun was in top form playing Scarlett Phillips and came home with a 7-5 win. With 2½ points in the bag to Dorset's 1½, it all came down to Sophie's match against a very in-form Lilli Hall. Lilli came through to win 5-4 and the match was an honourable 2½ points apiece and draw.

The 18th flag from 1st tee 153 yards
for Cornwall's second shot on 18th hole

The afternoon's match was against 'The Auld Enemy' Cornwall. Cornwall had yet to win a match and were as determined as the Devon team. The first Foursomes pairing for Devon was Emily and Susie against the very experienced Nikki Hodge and Maddie Watson. It was a slow start from both pairings but the Devon girls stuck at it to win 4-2 and the first point was on the board. Hannah and Carys fared less well and lost 6-4. In the Singles a tired Gudrun against Bridie O'Hagan stayed for the long haul to win 1-up. Abby, against Lizzie Nile, also fought hard but lost 2-1. It was all down to the final match - Lauren against the Cornwall star Danielle. Lauren was 3 down at the turn and hung on grimly and was 1-down after 17. Lauren's tee shot on 18 was right but Danielle's tee shot was left and hit the path and rolled to the first tee. Not ideal for either player. Danielle played the most amazing shot which hit the green and just rolled off leaving her a chip up to the raised green - it was a match winning shot! Buried in thick rough, Lauren played just short also. Both chipped on to the back of the green and Lauren could barely get her putter behind the ball and her putt rolled past the hole. Danielle putted just short of the hole and a half on the 18th meant the win was for Cornwall.

At the end of Day 2 the points were:

County Games Points Match Points
Cornwall 8 2
Devon 12½ 5
Dorset 12 7
Gloucestershire 7 2
Somerset 15 6
Wiltshire 2

Currently lying in 3rd position with the final match against Somerset. 

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